RiverWise – June2022 P

Issue 40 June 2022 A windless winter day in Witsand A Spotted Grunter tailing (left) and a Grey Heron with … Read More

RiverWise – April 2022 P

Issue 39 April 2022 Black Harriers (Circus maurus) are vulnerable endemics – © Jacque Smit African paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone viridis) … Read More

RiverWise – February 2022 P

Issue 38 February 2022 A Denham’s Bustard (Neotis denhami) in a field of lucerne – © Jacque Smit A White … Read More

Snake Awareness and First Aid

Puff Adder (Bitis arietans) At the Breede River Estuary you can expect to see a number of venomous and non-venomous … Read More


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Witsand AIM Agenda

LOWER BREEDE RIVER CONSERVANCY TRUST Reg. No. IT410/2000 PO Box 149, Witsand, 6666 E-mail: info@breede-river.org Telephone: 028 537 1296 Fax: … Read More

RiverWise – December 2021 P

Issue 37 December 2021 © Jacque Smit Grunter Bay Shows Signs of Recovery Grunter Bay is a salt marsh habitat … Read More

RiverWise – September’s BC & WQ

September 2021 Water Quality For the first time in months the site with the highest salinity reading was not Moddergat … Read More

RiverWise – October 2021 P

Issue 36 October 2021 Issue 36 October 2021 Saving the Breede River’s Floral Treasure Renosterveld is a non-fynbos vegetation type … Read More

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