We have received disturbing complaints about a boat in San Sebastians Bay approaching and touching whales. It is important to reiterate that this can be extremely dangerous for the boat as well as extremely detrimental to the whales, possibly even a death sentence particularly for calves.

Let’s make sure we’re admiring our ocean’s giants in a safe and healthy way — for both humans and the animals.

If in charge of a vessel or aircraft, approach closer than 300 metres to any whale or fail to proceed to a distance of 300 metres if a whale surfaces closer than 300 metres from the vessel or aircraft is prohibited.

So, whether you’re jumping on a boat or kayaking the seas on a solo marine mission, here’s what you should know:

Pay really close attention to behavior. 

Be cautious when venturing into waters where whales are present and always look around before entering and exiting the area. If there is a pod hanging around, watch for changes in their behavior that could indicate signs of distress. If you notice a rapid change in their swimming pattern, lots of surface displays (tail slapping) or females shielding their calves with their bodies, leave the area immediately.                                                                                                                                                                            

Always keep your distance.

It’s true, some whales will approach vessels because they’re curious about who’s in their home, but it’s best to keep your distance when you can. A good guideline for all whales and law in South Africa states that a boat should stay 300 metres away — If you find yourself getting too close to a whale, stop immediately and maneuver your craft out of the area. If you’re in a power boat, keep the engine running and stay in neutral gear until the whale passes.

Take it slow.

It can be fun and freeing to cruise the open sea at high speeds, but it’s important to be aware of the creatures below that you could potentially be harming. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recommends boaters reduce their speed to less than 10 knots when traveling in an area with whales. In the last 10 years, ship strikes have increasingly become the cause of whale deaths and strandings. In the event you hit a whale, please report it to your local conservation authority, local NSRI, local municipality or the Department of Environmental Affairs.

Approach from the side.

The best way to approach whales is to parallel them while keeping your distance. You want to keep out of their path and you never want to cut them off. Also, if you’re close to the shore, make sure you’re not blocking the whales from getting into deeper waters.

Limit your time watching them.

While it may be tempting to watch these beautiful creatures for hours, it can be really distracting to the whales. The presence and sound of your vessel can actually deter them from looking for food, socializing and even breeding. In fact, noise pollution may even cause some whales to change their migration routes. An easy rule of thumb is to keep your viewing to a maximum of 30 minutes.

Never try to swim with, touch or feed them.

Not only can swimming be bad for the whales — you never want them to modify their natural behavior because of your presence — you risk getting hurt yourself. Wild animals can be unpredictable, and let’s face it, you’re no match for a multi-ton mammal. Touching them can transmit harmful diseases, while feeding them could make them sick or dependent on humans for food. Plus, the more comfortable they are with boats, the whales are at a higher risk of getting hit by one.

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