Happy New Year!
Ranger Activity over November and December:
Remember to have good Boating Etiquette
Snake Season Awareness
© Snakebite Institute Newsletter
People often think that our snakes go into hibernation during winter,
but that is not quite the case. As temperatures drop, snakes become less active and spend far more time underground. Some snakes, like Puff Adders and the Southern African Python, mate in the middle of the winter in the northern parts of their range, where day temperatures often exceed 23 degrees Centigrade. Snake sightings are rare during winter when most of our snakes are in a state of torpor and do not feed. Most snakes mate in spring with females emitting pheromones to attract males. Over much of southern Africa, snakes become very active after the first spring rains, and this is when we see an increase in snake encounters.
What should one do should you encounter a snake?
Immediately retreat at least five paces and observe the snake from that safe distance. Never attempt to catch or kill a snake unless you have been trained in safe snake removal and have the right equipment. Avoid using braai tongs or garden gloves to remove a snake. Immediately clear the area of people and remove all pets, especially dogs. Dogs are natural hunters and are quick to try and kill any snake they encounter. Call your local snake remover - click here to download the African Snakebite Institute App to search for snake removers in your area. Or if you live in Witsand, call Jason Oxley on 064 774 3862.
How to keep snakes out of your property:
Unfortunately, there is no effective snake repellent. This includes substances such as Jeyes Fluid, old oil, diesel, moth balls, various plants and commercially available snake repellents. Keep your garden clean and neat and remove building rubble or other materials making for suitable hiding places. Water features, pet food in outside bowls and aviaries will attract snakes as they hunt for rodents and toads. Physical barriers like shade cloth or zinc sheeting wrapped or placed around a fence without gaps and around 1m high will prevent snakes from entering a property.
In the event of a snakebite:
Keep the patient calm and ensure that the snake is no longer in the immediate area. A second bite will complicate matters. Avoid tight bandages, especially arterial tourniquets. Cutting and sucking has no benefit, as snake venom cannot be sucked out. Avoid all other home remedies and transport the patient to the nearest emergency room at a hospital. You can remove jewelry like rings or watches as well as restrictive clothing around the bite site as the majority of bites will result in swelling. Keeping the limb elevated above the heart will reduce the pain and throbbing. Always bear in mind that it is a lack of oxygen that results in most snakebite fatalities, with the main culprits being the Cape Cobra in our area – if the patient is in a hospital and breathing is compromised, the medical team can stabilise the patient, intubate and ventilate the patient. Antivenom is not a first aid measure and can only be administered by a medical doctor in a hospital environment. Nine out of ten snakebite victims that are hospitalised do not receive antivenom as it is not always necessary. Many bites are not severe and can be treated symptomatically. Refrain from trying to kill the snake to take it along to the hospital – doctors do not need to know what snake was responsible for a bite, but a clear photograph of the offending snake may well assist the doctors as
they will have an indication of what symptoms to look out for. Bites are generally treated based on symptoms that present in the patient. Most snakes try and make a quick escape when disturbed. However, snakes that are stood on or attacked will defend themselves. As we approach warmer weather, make sure you are vigilant for the snake season.
Monthly Monitoring
Water Quality and Bird Counts
The LBRCT conducts a monthly bird count and water quality run on the Breede River. Both operations are conducted at spring low tide (full moon or new moon). On the water quality run this accounts for the pushing tide increasing the salinity of the water upriver as we travel and test. The bird count takes place at low tide to observe and record the different species as they forage on the exposed mudflats.
For the latest results please click here.
Breede River Locations Map
Buy your Recreational Fishing Permit online:
We are pleased to announce that Recreational Fishing Permits are available online! Please visit https://www.fishing.dffe.gov.za/ to purchase your permit.
Please remember that should you intend fishing from a vessel, at least one crew member requires the permit condition for an "additional fee per vessel for recreational fishing from such vessel" to be selected.
Have you renewed your Municipal Boat Licence?
Boat licences need to be renewed annually from July. Recreational boat licences for the Breede River are available from any of the six outlets as well as online (link below). In accordance with the Municipal Financial Year, all annual licences are valid from the 1st of July 2024 until the 30th of June 2025.
Please note: Commercial licences are required for vessels used in commercial operations, such as chartering, rentals and houseboats. Please apply in writing to info@breede-river.org
Winners of the Spring into Summer
Photography Competition
Fun Day with Heidelberg Primary School
Nearly 40 primary school learners from Heidelberg visited Witsand on the 5th of December for a fun day at the beach. The LBRCT rangers briefly educated the pupils on pollution and the need to not litter. Thereafter we organised for the children to enjoy a game of Putt-Putt.
A Friendly Reminder:
Meet our Slipway Monitors
These friendly faces were present at the Public Launch Sites of Swellendam Municipality (Moddergat and Infanta) during the school holiday. They inspected and sold Municipal Boat Licences, as well as ensured that safety is our top priority. Thank you to Lee-Handri, Cecile, and Maxwill.
What are your Environmental Concerns?
Should you have any environmental concerns relating to the Breede River Estuary, please click here to complete a short questionnaire.
Grab your Fish Measuring Sticker for Free!
Visit our office in Witsand to collect a free fish measuring sticker for checking minimum size and bag limits of common fish and bait species.
Legal Size Red Flags for Water Sports
As per the municipal by-law, the operator of a boat towing a skier must display a red flag measuring a minimum of 500mm by 500mm to indicate when:
(a) a skier is down in the water, or preparing to ski;
(b) a tow line extends from the boat;
(c) a ski is in the water in the vicinity of the boat.
To purchase a legal size LBRCT red flag for only R130 please contact info@breede-river.org or WhatsApp 064 774 3862 to place an order.
Buy a Conservancy Cap
Are you a member of the LBRCT?
If you take an active interest in, or use the Breede River Estuary, we encourage you to become a member of the LBRCT and support our worthwhile endeavours on your behalf by way of contributing to these efforts. Memberships are due for renewal from the 1st of July 2024.
If you are interested in receiving news updates and other interesting information join our 'LBRCT Communications' WhatsApp group.
Click here to join the group.
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