For this year’s Arbor Day, on 1 September, we’ve planted trees and shrub-like plants with Vondeling Primary School.
We did a couple of activities designed for the different age groups we worked with at Vondeling Primary School. Life on earth is impossible without trees and a healthy environment – this was the theme of the day. They played the ecosystem game and the younger group designed their own little trees on paper with empty egg boxes. While the face painting activities seemed to be more fun, they also planted 1 tree and 2 shrubs. Names were drawn from a box and that’s how Dianke, Abigail, and Jaylin got selected as the planters of the day. The plants were labeled with the 3 pupil’s names and dates on the tags, which puts a more personal feel to it. The whole idea behind this is so that they would take ownership of their own trees that they planted and need to look after.
On Tuesday, 12 September we continued planting sponsored plants at the shops in Witsand.
Slangrivier and De Waalville Primary Schools also had their share of planting trees and their seed paper with veggie and indigenous flower seeds during the course of the week. The same plant tagging processed were followed
Thank you to Hessequa Municipality and *Sis Bartlett for sponsoring the trees and plants.