On Saturday 21 January, a team of passionate volunteers joined us for the beach clean-up.
These are the amounts of most common pieces of trash picked up during the beach clean-up:
Plastic bags – 100
Bottle caps (plastic) – 78
Beverage caps (metal) – 90
Food wrappers (chips, sweets, etc.) – 72
Beverage bottles (glass) - 47
Other litter that was collected included plastic bottles, paper bags, rope, cigarette butts and foam packaging.
Thank you to everyone who participated and helped us as we work towards cleaner and healthier beaches.
Op Saterdag 21 Januarie, het ‘n passievolle span vrywilligers bymekaar gekom om vullis op die Witsand strand op te tel.
Die mees algemene vullis wat opgetel was gedurende hierdie skoonmaak proses is soos volg:
Plastiek sakkies- 100
Bottelproppe (metaal)- 90
Bottelproppe (plastiek)- 78
Kos verpakkings (lekkers, skyfies, ens.) – 72
Drank/ Koeldrank bottels (glas)- 47
Ander vullis wat opgetel was sluit in plastiek bottels, papier sake, stukkies tou, sigarette stompies en styrofoam verpakking.
Baie dankie aan almal wat deel geneem het en wat gehelp het soos ons streef na skoner, gesonder strande.
Together we can have cleaner beaches