What To Do When You Find An Injured Bird

What to do when you find an OWL

If you are to be of any help to an injured Owl, minimising stress must be the first priority.

Don’t try to examine the injured bird yourself. This causes more stress for it and should be left to a trained rehabilitator or Veterinarian.

If the bird is found on the floor, remain at a safe distance and monitor the bird. Just because the bird is on the floor doesn’t mean the bird is in trouble. Many owl species nests on the ground or low crevices of trees.

Only ever remove the bird from the area if you are positive it has been abandoned or if it is clearly injured. Seek expert advice immediately and do not attempt to treat or feed the bird yourself. It is all too easy to imprint a youngster on humans, thus rendering it incapable of being returned to the wild.

Call the LBRCT in Witsand: 028 537 1296


What to do when you find an EAGLE:

Eagles do nest high in the trees and if a chick is found on the ground, it could be due to testing its wings.

If the bird appears to be injured, Call the LBRCT in Witsand: 028 537 1296.

Minimise the birds stress by avoiding large crowds and maintaining a safe distance between you and the injured bird.

If there are pressing circumstances, follow these steps:

  1. Gently throw a jumper or blanket over the injured bird to keep it warm.
  2. Put the bird into a well ventilated, darkened cardboard box – not so small that the bird will sustain further damage, but not so large that it can jump around inside. The box should preferably be lined on the bottom with a towel or, if not available, newspaper. Never use straw or sawdust and do not place water in the box.
  3. Do not try to feed the bird. Get the bird to the nearest bird of prey center or raptor rescue organizations soon as possible.

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