Issue 51

April 2024

Invitation for Public Participation:

Draft Revised Breede River Estuarine Management Plan

You are hereby invited to submit written representations on or objections to the draft revised Breede River Estuary Management Plan (Breede River EMP).

The draft revised Breede River EMP may be viewed at

Alternatively, you may download it here.

Enquiries may be directed to Ms Caren George at 021 483 2724/3092 or to Mrs Carmen van Uys at 021 483 2811 on weekdays between 09:00 and 12:00.

Written representations on and objections to the draft revised Breede River EMP must be submitted on or before 31 May 2024 by emailing the representations or objections to

Uitnodiging vir Openbare Kommentaar:

Konsep – Breede River Estuarine Management Plan

U word hiermee uitgenooi om skriftelike vertoë oor of besware teen die konsep hersiende Breede River Estuary Management Plan (Breede River EMP) in te dien.

Die konsep hersiende Breede River EMP kan by gevind word.

Dit kan ook by die volgende skakel afgelaai word - Breede River EMP.

Navrae kan weeksdae tussen 09:00 en 12:00 gerig word aan me Caren George by 021 483 2724/3092 of aan me Carmen van Uys by 021 483 2811.

Skriftelike vertoë oor of besware teen die konsep- hersiende Breede River EMP moet voor of op 31 Mei 2024 ingedien word deur die vertoë of besware per e-pos te stuur na

A new turtle information board has been affixed to the Anchorage Restaurant in Witsand following unprecedented numbers of turtle hatchling strandings.

De Waalville School Visit and Beach Clean-up

Early in March two of our rangers presented an environmental education session on sea turtles to the Grade 6 and 7 pupils from De Waalville Primary School. It's the start of the turtle stranding season and therefore important to be on high alert for these little hatchlings when walking the beaches. After the information session the pupils joined in a beach clean-up and collected a total of 27 kg of rubbish.

Turtle Madness - It is Stranding Season!

We've rescued our first turtle hatchling from Witsand for the season! This little loggerhead was quickly sent off to the Two Oceans Aquarium where he/she will join hundreds of fellow turtles that have washed up along the coastline over the last few weeks.

Click here to watch more turtles being rescued.

If you find a turtle on the beach please call the LBRCT on 028 537 1296 / 064 774 3862 or the Rescue Hotline on 083 300 1663.

Animal Rescues during March and April

Despite there being less activity on the river during March and April we still received several rescue call-outs for injured animals and snakes.

Monthly Monitoring

Water Quality and Bird Counts

The LBRCT conducts a monthly bird count and water quality run on the Breede River. Both operations are conducted at spring low tide (full moon or new moon). On the water quality run this accounts for the pushing tide increasing the salinity of the water upriver as we travel and test. The bird count takes place at low tide to observe and record the different species as they forage on the exposed mudflats.

For the latest results please click here.

Rare Heron Sightings

The LBRCT was lucky enough to observe two rare heron species utilising the Breede Estuary during March and April. A Goliath Heron (see below) was spotted for the first time since July 2022 and a Squacco Heron was also recorded in the region.

© Mike Dohlhoff

Are you a member of the LBRCT?

If you take an active interest in, or use the Breede River Estuary, we encourage you to become a member of the LBRCT and support our worthwhile endeavours on your behalf by way of contributing to these efforts. Memberships are due for renewal from the 1st of July 2024.

Breede River Locations Map

Click here to view a map of the Breede River Estuary containing the locations of popular spots, attractions, restaurants & pubs, accommodation, boat licence sales outlets, public slipways, and more!

Buy your Recreational Fishing Permit online:

We are pleased to announce that Recreational Fishing Permits are available online! Please visit to purchase your permit.

Please remember that should you intend fishing from a vessel, at least one crew member requires the permit condition for an "additional fee per vessel for recreational fishing from such vessel" to be selected.

Have you renewed your Municipal Boat Licence?

Boat licences need to be renewed annually from July. Recreational boat licences for the Breede River are available from any of the six outlets as well as online (link below). In accordance with the Municipal Financial Year, all annual licences are valid from the 1st of July 2023 until the 30th of June 2024.

Please note: Commercial licences are required for vessels used in commercial operations, such as chartering, rentals and houseboats. Please apply in writing to

Where do the boat licence fees go?

Boat licence fees contribute directly towards our efforts to protect the Breede River Estuary. In this way, the user pays for the use of the estuary while at the same promoting safety and compliance with the by-laws and marine regulations that conserve our environment.


Be on the look-out for the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Beetle

The Polyphagous Shot-Hole Borer (PSHB) is a tiny invasive black beetle from Asia that has recently arrived in South Africa. It is smaller than a sesame seed but can have a devastating effect on trees. The beetles make tunnels in the trunks and branches of trees and lay their eggs inside. The female beetles carry a fungus (Fusarium euwallaceae) from tree to tree that grows in their tunnels and disrupts the flow of water and nutrients to the tree causing branch die-back and ultimately the death of the tree.

These beetles tend to favour Box Elders but have also shown interest in Oak trees, both of which are uncommon along the Breede River Estuary. At this stage we are unaware of any infected trees in our area. However, given that the beetle is effectively dispersed through the transportation of lumber and wood, we ought to be vigilant and mitigate any potential outbreaks.

The Watch the video below to learn more about the ecological and economic impacts of this beetle:

What can you do to help?

1. Purchase your fire and braai wood locally rather than distributing wood that may be contaminated with the invasive beetle.

2. Photograph, upload and identify potential shot-hole borer attacks on trees in your garden using iNaturalist.

3. Contact the LBRCT should you suspect your trees are infected.

Click here to learn how to detect a Polyphagous Shot-Hole Borer attack.

Legal Size Red Flags for Water Sports

As per the municipal by-law, the operator of a boat towing a skier must display a red flag measuring a minimum of 500mm by 500mm to indicate when:

(a) a skier down in the water, or preparing to ski;

(b) a tow line extended from the boat;

(c) a ski in the water in the vicinity of the boat.

To purchase a legal size LBRCT red flag for only R130 please contact or WhatsApp 064 774 3862 to place an order.

Buy a Conservancy Cap

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