Grunter Bay Salt Marsh Rehabilitation

Grunter Bay is a salt marsh habitat located approximately four kilometres from the mouth on the west bank of the estuary. Salt marshes are important habitats as they provide essential ecosystem services that maintain the health of the estuary. The type of vegetation present in these environments control erosion, filter excess nutrients and pollutants, reduce stormwater runoff as well as the chance of flooding. They also create habitats for a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic animals.

Salt marshes are sensitive environments. An increase in recreational boating and fishing activity, combined with natural phenomena such as climate change, and drought, has had a significant impact on the main salt marsh, Groenpunt, and its smaller counterpart – Grunter Bay. Of particular concern is erosion of the banks, caused in part by wind and wave action, but aggravated by human disturbance. Shallow mudflats typical of this habitat at high tide make them popular fishing locations where anglers and passers-by at times tend to trample the vegetation and bank edges to reach desirable spots. Grunter Bay has been experiencing dramatic degradation over the last few years, with man-made footpaths continually widening, and the edge of the marsh bank receding by as much as five metres in the last five years.

In November 2021, we erected seven signs at the marsh to educate the public about the importance of salt marshes in hopes of protecting and restoring Grunter Bay. The signage states that erosion and vegetation damage is occurring and requests that people keep to the footpaths and off the bank edges. This task was not easy; ground rock was reached at a shallow depth and we needed to make use of a jack hammer and concrete to permanently secure the poles. It is our aim to see this area slowly recover. Your cooperation and support is greatly appreciated.

Day Permits available via SnapScan

We are pleased to announce that Day Permits are available at the public launch sites in Witsand and Infanta. Sign boards have been installed at Government Slipway, Kraaltjie and Moddergat which inform boat operators of the requirement to be in possession of a valid Municipal Boat Licence. SnapScan is available to allow you to purchase a day permit directly from the slipways.

Day permit fee: A flat rate of R 155 per day irrespective of the size of engine(s).

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Download the SnapScan app on your smartphone.
  2. Sign up and link to your account.
  3. Scan the QR code on the sign board at the slipway. Alternatively, scan the QR code alongside to pay now.
  4. Payment calculation: Number of days x rate per day


#Project Info


#Project Info

Sponsor an Owl Box

After receiving numerous reports of Spotted eagle-owls nesting in vacant holiday homes in Duinepark, Witsand, the LBRCT decided to erect two owl boxes along Tuna Street nearby.

This project inspired us to start a new initiative where you as a nature lover can sponsor one of these beautiful boxes to support our feathered friends. We’ll identify a good spot along the river and name it after your family!

The evening hoots of an eagle-owl and even the haunting screech of the barn owl form part of the Breede’s natural beauty. There are also many benefits of promoting owls to nest on your property; these nocturnal creatures dine on a variety of rodent pests as well as large insects that can wreak havoc in your garden.

The cost of erecting one box is approximately R1000. For more information please contact our office 028 537 1296 or